Reunion At Last

After many moons of patient (usually) waiting, many miles (and much sweat, tears, frustrations, hunger strikes, faxes, emails, phonecalls), the little family (6 is little, right?) has reunited in GTMO, Cuba.

Our wonderful neighbors cooked dinner (YUM, THANKS) and brought welcome presents and even cool welcome signs (dried out now) and Molly met Molly (which I’ve been waiting to see forever),  the Chief helped get tons of luggage and drove us home, we got everything unpacked, the kids made friends with the legion of neighbors, and we sat down together (for the first time in four months) all in one afternoon.

Praise the Lord, we’re finally put back together.

Started registering for school (three whole girls in school now, yay).

Put in our first maintenance call to housing.

Did our first Bible study.

Planned our first shopping trip.

Enjoyed the beautiful view from the back yard.

Oohed and aahed about the pretty and spacious house.

Complained about the emptiness of said house.

Shared all the horror stories, the funny stories, the stuff we couldn’t wait to tell.

Swapped presents, explored the back yard, played music, ate dinner, went to bed at an unreasonable hour.

Still waiting on our furniture and the car, but that’s not too long off.

Did I mention how glad I am to have my girls back?  I think they’re glad to have their daddy back.  Did I mention how glad I am to have my Wife back?  I think she’s glad to have me back.  The back rubs will commence!

Author: R. Christopher Hickok

Not exactly a theologian Not exactly a poet Exactly a reader Imprecisely a thinker Generally without a clue

One thought on “Reunion At Last”

  1. I’m so glad things are finally falling into place for you all.  The house will fill up soon enough and you have each other (which is really what counts.)

    Best continued wishes for all of you!


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