You’re Buying a Lemon

Comfort, Assurance, Hope, Love, and Faith are possessions. They are given to believers, and their source remains in Jesus Christ.

When you hear the words, “You don’t have enough …” or “You need to … more”, here is what’s actually happening:

Satan is speaking for the sole purpose of diverting your position of recipient to the position of actor. He has taken Christ from your line of sight and handed you a mirror wherein you see yourself as the source of all these possessions.

In accepting this line of thought, you are prompted to usurp the role of the Holy Spirit, the Parakletos, as the Helper. You become your own mediator before the Father and become the giver – to yourself – of Comfort, Assurance, Hope, Love, and Faith. Worse, since you have taken this course, you’ve turned what should have been your possessions into duties and means of grace. You will have usurped the True Witness to your faith, the Holy Spirit, who also is the active Sanctifier of His people.

In the end, rather than depending on Christ the mediator, advocating for you before God the Father, you are your own defense in the court of eternity. Unfortunately, this means you can only condemn yourself before God – there is nothing between you and the justice you deserve for failing to obtain and maintain the Comfort, Assurance, Hope, Love, and Faith, which you’ve assigned to yourself. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and the usurper of the True Mediator is no exception.

All false teachers are, most simply put, selling you this product. The glory and sovereignty of God are dismissed, and in their place, you, the buyer, are given those attributes. You’ve been scammed.

Author: R. Christopher Hickok

Not exactly a theologian Not exactly a poet Exactly a reader Imprecisely a thinker Generally without a clue

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